Jay Ryan (formerly known as Jay Bunyan), is best known for the following TV series: Beauty and the Beast, Mary Kills People, and Neighbours. He can most recently be seen in It: Chapter Two where he played adult Ben Hanson.
The site is the most complete Jay site online and I believe the only real Jay fansite still around. I will include all site content and gallery. I will also include folders of extra photos that I never got around to sorting and adding to the site. It’s missing only a handful of projects I could never get my hands on, mainly Neighbours which I doubt anyone will be able to find. He is in the new season of Mary Kills People but the series has not been released in 1080p yet as it has only aired internationally so far.
If you want the site and both domains, it will be $80 OBO.
If you’re interested, please contact the owner/creator of the site on Twitter @AndJayWasLike